
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Google Uncensors China Search Engine

Green Tea May Block Lung Cancer

Drinking a cup of green tea a day may reduce the risk of developing lung cancer for both smokers and non-smokers ,according to a new Taiwanese study.

Researchers said smokers and non-smokers alike who did not drink green tea were five times more likely to develop lung cancer when compared to people who consumed one cup a day .Smokers who didnot drink green tea increased their risk 13-fold.

"The antioxidants may inhibit tumor growth ,"I-Hsin Lin,a master's degree student at Chun Shan Medical University in Taiwan ,told WebMD.She presented her findings Tuesday at a lung cancer conference in Coronado,Calif.

The researchers studied 170 lung cancer patients and 340 healthy patients ,quizzing them on their somking histories,green tea comsumption ,and other lifestyle habits.Lin also found that green tea drinkers who are not genetically susceptible to lung cancer had a 66 percent reduced risk.

Lowering lung cancer risk is one in a long list of benefits derived from drinking green tea. It is also believed to reduce other types of cancer ,ease depression in elderly ,and even smooth wrinkles.But green tea dinking smokers should feel they are getting a free pass if they continue to light up.

"What the American Lung Association is really afraid of," Dr.Norman Edelman,chief medical officer of the American Lung Association ,told HealthDay,"is that people will look at this and think ,'oh,well,i can smoke as long as i have a few cups of green tea.'Nothing could be further from the truth.

Smoking is extremely toxic,obviously,and extremely detrimental to your health .And nothing changes this fact.So the most important thing here is that we don't want anyone to get the message that it's ok to smoke so long as i drink green tea.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun Green Tea

Dong Ting Bi Luo Chun enjoys the reputation as one of the most famous teas in China and is regarded by many as inferior only to Xihu Long Jing Tea.

This tea was created in Ling Yuan Temple of Bi Luo Peak,Dong Shan(East Mountain ) and was originally called Xia Si Ren Xiang,which generelly means "astounding fragrance".

The Qing Emperor gave it this name Bi Luo Chun and declares it as an imperial tea, followed by a wide popularit among Chinese upper class.

Dong Ling Shan is now a protected area.Only leaves picked within Dong Ling East and West areas deserve the name of Dong Ling Bi Luo Chun Tea.

Dong Ling Bi Luo Chun Tea is noted for its fresh taste,fruity aroma and slightly sweetness which many other teas lack.

The literal translation of its English name is "Green Snail Spiral " in that is is cropped early and its leaves have tiny spirals .

as a kind of green tea ,Dong Ling Bi Luo Chun has many health benefits,including cancer prevention,cholesterol and blood reduction ,immune system strengthening, cavities prevention,stress reducing and aging regulating.

Dong Ling Bi Luo Chun can also be used as a drinking treatment of many diseases .

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hangzhou West Lake - Traditional Longjing Tea Garden Landscape

West Lake is located to the west of Hangzhou City,Zhejiang Province.It is one of the most famous ancient scenic spots in China .West Lake was originally connected with the sea.After the Holocene,it has evolved from a bay to a lagoon then to a famous scenery lake ,and the overall pattern of the lake ,mountain,city and river close to each other has been formed. It is not only a scenic spot with a mountain and a lake in the general sense ,but also a composition with artistic ingenuity .With the rise of the Hangzhou City to the east of the lake,ingeniously making use of the advantageous geography location and natural conditions,the ancestors carried out alteration,processing and construction for it unceasingly .After the middle period of Tang dynasty,it gradually became the most representative aesthetic scenic spot with hills and waters of China and the classical model of the Confucian culture in the aesthetic field.

Tea drinking , as a prevailing custon in China,was also prosperous in the Tang and Song dynasty.Hangzhou is one of the birthplaces of Chinese tea culture.Tea trees have been planted in the mountains of West Lake ever since the Dongjin (Eastern Jin )dysnasty.In the Beisong Dynasty,the Xianglin Tea" of the Xiatianzhu temple,the"Baiyun Tea"of the ShangtianzhuTemple,and the "Baoyun Tea"Were listed as tributes.

Hangzhou West Lake -Longjing Tea garden is an outstanding model of the perfect combination of human and nature. Xihu Longjing Tea is flat and smooth in shape ,with green and yellow color and luster.When making tea ,pouring boiled water of about 80 degree celsius into the cup,and then tea buds will slowly roll up,like lotuses floating from the water .The tea liquor is dark green and smells sweet and mellow.Xihu Longjing Tea is well-known around the WORLD due to four wonders ,namely "green color,sweet smell,mellow taste and beautiful shape".

Just remember that you really should buy something after such an experience -if Longjing Tea doesn't turn out to be your cup of tea,it makes a great gift!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

'The Bounty Hunter‘UK Premiere

Gerald Butler and Jeniffer Anniston at the London Premiere of 'the Bounty Hunter'.

The history of Oolong and Wuyi teas

Oolong teas can be dated back to the days of the Qing Dynasty in the Fujian province of China.

Villagers near the Wu yi area for the Province of Fujian started to let the local wild tea ferment after picking .This caused the tea to get a deep,earthly flavour.

The villagers took some of this tea to market and found that everyone loved their new flavour of tea.

They soon started growing and farming the local wild tea and diatributing it all over China.

The Wu yi area of China is now consideered to make some of the best tea in the world.

The Chinese have kept development far away from this area , making it one of the most pollution free areas of the world.

Recently,the UN made the Wu-Yi Mountain a world heritage site,making sure it will be protected for years to come.

more on

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Source: Sandra Bullock Has Left the Family Home

Sandra Bullock has left the Los Angeles area house she shares with Jesse James amid a tabloid report of infidelity by her husband ,a source tells PEOPLE.
Bullock,45,left on Monday ,the source says.The Oscar-winning actress for The Blind Side also abruptly canceled a trip to Europe for the London premiere of the film.
Bullock and James ,40,met in 2004 during a tour of the set of the Discover Channels's Monster Garage ,which James stars in.
The couple married a year later,in july 2005 in a sunset ceremony at a ranch north of Santa Barbara attended by 300 guests.
So,finally ,this " Golden Couple" haven't escape from the broken-up " results.
But here is a suggestion to this beautiful lady.When time is hard for you ,all you have to stick up to is look good and miantain good shape and health .I believe someday happiness will come on to you.So,try some amazing Chinese's really good for your health.
whatever ladies or girls in dfficulties or in aware that health and shape is more important to you the this time,dring tea is the best choice for you !

Tea Benefits

Tea is known as nature's 'wonder drug'. Of late,tea and its healthy benefits have been receiving wide attention in the media. The ability of tea to promote good health has long been believed in many countries,especially Japan,China,etc.

The buzz about tea and its benefits is getting louder and is simply becoming too difficult to ignore. Enlightened tea drinkers are rediscovering the protective and revitalizing benefits of this ancient drink.Ever wonder why the Chinee and Japanese have some of the longest life-expectancy rates in the's the secret: they drink tea a lot.

So, hurry up! embark yourself on a jourself of discovery about tea benefits.
first of all,you need to answer these very simple questions:

Are you concerned that your kids might join the burgeoning ranks of obese children due to the unhealthy effects of their everyday consumption of tasty treats like burgers ,hotdogs,pizza,chips and candies?

Are you concerned about the lurking threat of heart attacks and strokes that might hit you ,your spouse or your parents anytime due to the adverse effects of fat-filled diet,smoking and drinking?

Are you concerned that the stress of everydaylife and exposure to harmful elements in the environment could wear your family's defenses down and expose them to the threat of cancer ?

If your answer to all those questions is YES,then you need to act now.Take a closer look at tea and the benefits that tea drinking will give you and your family.

Tea:Health Benefits and Wonders

Tea is the second most idely onsumed everage in the world,exceeded only by the most necessary of all liquids -water. Tea is an integral part of everyday societal life in many of the world's most popular beverage for a huge swath of the world's people.

Tea is prepared from linder leaves ,leaf buds and tender stalks of different varieties of the warm-weather evergreen known as camellia sinenesis.The most popular types of tea are :

Other teas are:

The benefits of all those teas can be illustrated on
To sum it up,by drinking 2-4 cups a day of tea ,you can reap in the umerous and preventive tea benefits.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Barack Obama's Health Care Legislation to Ways of Keeping Fitness.

As we all know, with time and tempers short,everyone's playing hardball in the drive to pass or stop President Barack Obama's massive healthcare legislation by the weekend.
But here i'm gonna say that healthcare care legislation is truly of important significance to our country and people,however, we shall not become obsessed with it .let us be our own master of health both physically and mentally.

So,you may ask what is the best way to keep fitness and remain in good health?here is my answer to you :to drink tea.

Of course,as an American, I like drinking coffee just like everybody else .Nevertheness,the past two years' experience of living in China makes me crazy about the Chinese Tea.My favorite is West Lake Long Jing Tea.It's amazing and it does very good to our health . So ,do you know what is the advantages of dring The Chinese Tea?

Today I'm gonna tell you about it. After you know it, you cannot help taste it ;then love it ;then be smiten with it ;then be your best health assitant.

Take West Lake Long Jing Tea for example,which is of the first -class quality and one of the most reputable variety of teas among the world. its great flavour,the sensual pleasure she gives,and the amazing health maintaing result rank her the most popular .

SO ,How he does to our health?

Well, you may find this by yourself if you are really interested. There is always an ancient Chinese saying goes: " if you want to compare Xihu Long Jing to the west lake , always refers to the good tea resembling a beauty queen " In Chinese ,it is "欲把西湖比西子,従来佳茗似佳人 ".

WOW! It is really beautiful,isn't it?

When i was back to the conutry,i really cannot froget it ,and often log online to search for ang info about the Chinese Tea. Finally ,i found a owesome Chinese tea website well ,enjoy it!